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There are 2230 matching your request.
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Property LocationParcel No#Tax SaleMinimum BidAssessmentRegister GIS
184 KEEL Memphis, TN 001079000001602102Not Available$8,025.00Click here
650 FIFTH Memphis, TN 001084000000902102Not Available$14,050.00Click here
626 SIXTH Memphis, TN 001086000001602102Not Available$12,400.00Click here
488 FIFTH Memphis, TN 001092000002602102Not Available$9,125.00Click here
658 LOONEY Memphis, TN 001097000001202102Not Available$31,000.00Click here
656 LOONEY Memphis, TN 001097000001302102Not Available$20,750.00Click here
626 LOONEY Memphis, TN 001097000001902102Not Available$20,075.00Click here
800 WOODLAWN Memphis, TN 001101000003902102Not Available$6,125.00Click here
662 MCDAVITT Memphis, TN 001104000003502102Not Available$7,525.00Click here
663 MCDAVITT Memphis, TN 001105000000702102Not Available$6,075.00Click here
583 DUNLAP Memphis, TN 001111000000502102Not Available$6,900.00Click here
595 EXCHANGE Memphis, TN 0011230000006C2102Not Available$20,360.00Click here
88 MAIN Memphis, TN 002012000000702102Not Available$60,920.00Click here
84 MAIN Memphis, TN 002012000000902102Not Available$63,840.00Click here
543 FRONT Memphis, TN 0020910A0001602102Not Available$107,250.00Click here
341 MADISON Memphis, TN 005001000000902102Not Available$128,480.00Click here
356 VANCE Memphis, TN 005015000002502102Not Available$1,800.00Click here
398 ABEL Memphis, TN 005022000001902102Not Available$750.00Click here
0 ABEL Memphis, TN 005022000002002102Not Available$1,600.00Click here
0 VANCE Memphis, TN 005023000000202102Not Available$18,000.00Click here
283 VANCE Memphis, TN 005023000000302102Not Available$19,080.00Click here
0 VANCE Memphis, TN 0050230000006C2102Not Available$21,240.00Click here
0 HERNANDO Memphis, TN 0050230000016C2102Not Available$16,880.00Click here
484 PONTOTOC Memphis, TN 007012000002502102Not Available$2,840.00Click here
294 DANNY THOMAS Memphis, TN 007012000002602102Not Available$4,920.00Click here
0 DANNY THOMAS Memphis, TN 007019000002802102Not Available$9,920.00Click here
479 VANCE Memphis, TN 0070200000001C2102Not Available$57,440.00Click here
371 ORLEANS Memphis, TN 007021000002102102Not Available$32,320.00Click here
400 ORLEANS Memphis, TN 007022000001702102Not Available$12,920.00Click here
641 DANNY THOMAS Memphis, TN 011003000004502102Not Available$26,000.00Click here

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** Assessment value is provided by the Assessor of Property for purposes of real property tax calculation. The Trustee in no way certifies said assessment as an indicator of market value. For more assessment information, visit the Assessor's web site at
* Description of the property should be obtained by referencing the legal description on the deed of transfer. Property location and picture are not part of the legal description, and should not be relied upon as a representation of the property.